Many of you reading this article have heard the acronym
K.I.S.S., Keep It Simple, Stupid. This
was Johnson, one of the designers for the SR-71,
handed a group of engineers a box of simple tools and told them to build him an
engine that could be repaired using only those tools by an average combat
mechanic in a battle situation. This
principle is still a bedrock of ideology in many fields today.
coined by Navy Engineer Kelly Johnson in 1960.
This principle is key in web design. Many designers working today began using a
simple word processor like Notepad.
While a vast array of design tools are available today, many designers
prefer to stick with simple tools, simple design and simple schemes. Nothing is more frustrating for a web designer or their clients then having
features of their web pages not work properly, or not work across many web
browser platforms.
This ideology is at the heart of SolTerra’s web design
philosophy. Our aim is to create sleek,
simple pages that help your target audience relate most clearly to you.
So whether you are a web designer or a business owner
looking to have a page designed, remember this principle that Leonardo da Vinci
summed up by saying "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".